Visitors found Jl. Wotgandul Timur abuzz with sellers and buyers of Imlek-related accessories and food.
Semarang Chinatown Community for Tourism chairman Harjanto Halim said the market aimed to rejuvenate Chinese cultural traditions when welcoming Imlek. Meanwhile, Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi said:"This event is one of our tourism calendar events that attracts not only Semarang residents but also people from outside the city. Since former president Megawati declared Imlek a national holiday in 2003, people from outside Semarang will come to this city to attend this market."
As one of the highlights of the event, the night market served dinner on a long table called the Tok Panjang. Pasar Imlek Samawis event chairman Ocha Mattias said at least 400 people had been invited to the dinner, including residents, artists, administration officials and other local figures.
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