ClosingBell He's more of an ill-advisor, totally out of the main stream of business leaders and economists.
ClosingBell He’s full of bull lokethe rest ofem was designed. Like a meticulous math equation in time To do just what it will do...
Of course he's saying that...jaredkushner selected him on order from realDonaldTrump from authors writing on trade on vetting necessary. True story.
I’ve been saying this all along. Now while we’re holding 4 aces in our hand 4.2% GDP booming economy, is time to negotiate through strength fair, free, EVEN trade agreements, instead waiting for economic down turn holding bad hand! Painful yes, but worth it later!!
Since Navarro has such a great track record and all..
Decided against running with the Korean trade deal in favour of this eh? Would love to sit in your newsroom when the potential to praise a Trump initiative raises its head.
B.S. short & long term! Trump's already cost taxpayers 12 billion, $12,000,000,000.00, 1 billion =10 hundred million x12, to bail out farmers who lost sales because of his trade war & Congressional Republicons are complicit in misusing your tax dollars for political gain!
What Trump has done is throw gasoline on Xi efforts to pry apart Western Institution that have established the foundation of finance, laws, governance allowing China to set global rules of the road going forward; within IT world, FU on CNBC confirmed this has already happened
Tariff is the fastest way for countries who stole to pay us back.