But Abbott insisted that he spoke with both Vice President Mike Pence and Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, about the need to"safely reopen the state for doing business."
The Constitution provides the states — not the federal government — with the"police power" to require businesses to close during public health crises. The president doesn't have the authority to direct governors, mayors or other local officials to lift their emergency orders.
And this is why I'm moving to California someday.
Killem all
You guy go ahead and get out there, I’m staying home until after the second wave.
GovAbbott is single handedly turning Texas blue. Great job numb nuts!
GregAbbott_TX stop and think about this. Look at facts and evidence. We’re supposedly weeks behind our peak. Reopening businesses now will forever hurt companies and more importantly, people’s lives. ThinkMoron
(un) stable geniuses
Red state governors will now be the ones in charge of killing more of their constituents, Sharing that Blame with the dictator in chief
Just keep them in your state.
Only if you’re a Republican Can’t wait for the Hugs and Kisses Democrats stay home stay Safe
Too soon, jackass.
A Trump pal in the second most populated State in the country. Destantis will be next in Florida.
Texas hospitals will be overrun in a few weeks, Republicans only think about money. Good luck dumbasses
Nice, they will all be so weak from the virus they won't be able to defend themselves when they are invaded.
Awesome, let's slowly all go back to normalcy
You know what if states wanna open their state back up fine, make interstate travel restricted to other states as to not spread it !!! Then when that states has a high infectious rate ,burn it!
It’s a mistake that’s going to cost lifes.
Its genocide then...GOPTraitors
GovAbbott is MY governor and I am a proud Texas councilwoman. We are ready to reopen Texas during this COVID19 crisis. AmericaStrong God is good. Thank you Governor!!
Abbot rocks !
Going for record corvid19 cases
It's like no one in charge of a red state cares about their citizens. It also means they don't care about being re-elected which is fine with me. Unfortunately they're going to kill their states' citizens first
And there goes Texas
Just when the plan was working
Return Texans' stimulus money.
Here are your rights
Texas needs a new Governor