“We have high hopes that the German machine will be on the island in the next 10 days and will be ready for output,” he added.
“The consensus is, certainly scientifically now, that masks are a huge help in terms of transmission of Covid-19,” he said. “To say that we are self-sufficient in Ireland for masks in the near future, is a very, very long stretch. It became clear to me that restarting Ireland is one thing but restarting Ireland safely is another.”
Awful article. Author keeps referring to the 'businessman' like he's some sort of enigma or messiah. Even in the picture, the 'businessman' looks like a Bond villain if they set the next movie in an international Aran sweater production compound in Roscommon. The 'businessman'
Summary: The machines are not available. Shipping costs are excessive even if they were. The production materials are not available. The business model, he said, is 'based on soundnes', but it is intended 'to deliver the product at cost price' and at the same time the masks 'are
It will fail. The rush into mask production will very soon lead to an oversupply from excess production capacity. Within a year, some mask producing companies will go out of business in order to bring supply and demand back into balance.
No mention in the article that masks do little or nothing to protect you...?