The global coal industry will “never recover” from the Covid-19 pandemic, industry observers predict, because the crisis has proved renewable energy is cheaper for consumers and a safer bet for investors.
That’s awesome. Please don’t ever recover
Please do your part to get H.R. 333 - Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act passed into law. It'll help medically retired veterans take care of their families and bills and even help the predicted shortfall of SocialSecurity
Bullshit. “experts” what kind of “experts” ?idiots who are leftist journos?
naomirwolf DER GUARDIAN hydrogen power gained from plain h2o viable post splitting the atom over civilian japan 1945 …
Oh good.
Ojalá AMLO hablara inglés para leer esta noticia de The Guardian. El carbón está totalmente fuera de circulación!!!!
Coal industry making much air polution
never say never. and choose your 'experts' carefully.
Trouble is that only the wealthy, the upper 20%, profit from 'renewable energy' subsidies and incentives, while 80% of the citizenry pay dearly with their taxes and ever higher electricity costs. In Germany, 'renewable energy' policies are nothing but upwards wealth transfer.
Good. That industry should have been dead years ago. We can restrain workers if we decide to invest in America!
Good !
Adam_Kay1 there’s one positive to be had, at least
Good. We have better options. And windmills don't cause cancer. GoJoe2020 GOJOEBIDEN GoJoe
It was on the cards ,dirty fuel
The coal industry in China is going very well, thank you! Building a new one every week and about to vote for hundreds more to be built. Chinas' economic growth, in 2019, was 65% coal-driven. While we strain to lower our emissions, China are by far, the biggest polluter on Earth!
If this is the case, why has NSW govt just approved more long wall mining under Sydney’s water catchment
Say what 🧐
Didn’t know we still had one
Best news today, thanks.
As they stand in front of Nuclear Plants that NEED COAL FIRED generators to run EACH of them. The insane say coal is dead....🤪
What's left? The New Green Deal. Goal regions need to blame their State Leaders for not developing a proactive course in going to the next phase that is our only choice. Green Energy for a cleaner Planet.
How do we measure that bet, and what odds are you giving on $50?
Coal industry will never recover after Thatcher, say experts
Whenever you hear the word ...experts... you have to turn, don't walk, but Run for the nearest exit....
Isn't that a good thing?