Q: Are Safe Management Measures mandatory and who should implement them? A: Yes, it is a must for all businesses to put in place Safe Management Measures to provide a safe working environment for employees and prevent Covid-19 transmission at the workplace before they resume on-site operations on June 2. Businesses must comply with the requirements for Safe Management Measures and any sector-specific requirements that apply to them.
Employees who have been working from home so far should continue to do so. Employees may go to the office only when there is no alternative and where it is demonstrably necessary — for instance, to access systems or equipment that cannot be accessed from home, or to fulfil legal requirements, such as completing contracts or transactions.
Companies must also put in place all other Safe Management Measures at the workplace, such as implementing split teams, staggering working and break hours, ensuring clear physical spacing of at least 1m between persons, and using the SafeEntry digital check-in system to record the entry of all employees.
Q: What enforcement actions will be taken against businesses that do not implement Safe Management Measures? A: Employers that do not implement proper Safe Management Measures are liable to have their operations suspended until they are able to do so.