, British police killed 55 people; German police killed 15 people in 2010 and 2011 combined. Killing is often the first, not the last, resort in American policing.• Over the past three decades, spending on prisons and jails has grown three times faster than spending on K-12 education. The disparity is even worse when it comes to spending on college education.– $64,642 per inmate versus $11,495 per student.
2. Demand accountability. Call for those who abuse power – including and especially the police – to be held accountable for their actions. 5. Talk to your children and to your friends and family members. Let them know that although we may want a color-blind society, it doesn’t exist, and people of color are treated differently in every aspect of life.
This is the stupidest damn thing I’ve ever read.
It’s a little hard to do when they’re fighting for their lives between Covid, possibly being looted or burned down.
Sure, let's support the thugs that destroyed our only source of income
Except Democrat inspired riots and false narratives have destroyed small business in these communities youaintblack
That’s a tall order after your life’s work has been looted and burned.
Yeah, sure you torched my store... let me make sure I can give back to the community! WTF!
Ya I want to be allies with those Residence that just broke my windows and emptied out my store which will put me out of business. Maybe a good hug?