“We compete with a wide variety of companies, Google, Samsung, Huawei, Vivo, LG, Lenovo and many more,” Daniel Matray, head of Apple’s App Store and Apple Media Services, told a Forum Europe online event.“In fact, Apple does not have a dominant position in any market, and we face strong competition in every category, in tablets, wearables, desktop and notebook computers, maps, music, payments, messaging, and more,” he said.
Matray defended Apple’s App Store, saying the same rules apply to all developers, large and small, with 85 per cent of apps not required to pay a 30 per cent fee to the company which is only valid for those which use its in-app payment service. The EU is investigating whether this requirement and rules preventing developers from informing users of cheaper products elsewhere are anti-competitive.
It is also probing Apple’s terms and conditions on how its mobile payment service Apple Pay should be used in merchants’ apps and websites, and also the company’s refusal to allow rivals access to the payment system. The EU investigations were prompted by a complaint by Swedish music streaming service Spotify and an e-book rival.“In the nearly 12 years since the App Store debuted, the best measure of its success is the dynamism it has unleashed and the state of the app economy today,” he said.Be smart with your money. Get the latest investing insights delivered right to your inbox three times a week, with the Globe Investor newsletter.
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