Five years after opening my doors, I sold my law practice in 2008 to a lawyer with 25 years of experience. It seemed like he had the expertise to keep things running smoothly. But within six months, he handed the practice back, claiming the client flow had dried up and he could no longer make the payments he'd promised.some drivers of the business
I didn't want to leave anyone in a lurch, so I decided to operate the practice out of my savings for another six months while I transitioned my clients to other trusted attorneys and helped my colleagues find new jobs. Thinking I could save money by handling the legal and financial matters myself meant I had to pay $250,000 out of pocket instead making $250,000 on the sale.
MakeIt She hot
MakeIt The article leaves off relative information in today’s struggles. How did she paid for college and law degree. Graduating debt free means a head start.
MakeIt More good news please(((
MakeIt If you're a lousy entrepreneur find a company that will pay you a large salary instead? Good advice.
MakeIt A multi-millionaire loses $1million and has a surprise tax bill for $100,000 that she has to get loan to pay, because she didn't use proper loopholes. This, and other stories from millionaires who've lost more than you'll ever make and now make more than they lost, only on CNBC.
MakeIt zurnanın zırt dediği yere geldik... italya nın isteği gerçekleşirse bu durum yol olur, gelişmekte olan ve olmayan tüm ekonomiler sıraya girer,
MakeIt good luck
MakeIt My advice: You got Trump in the office.
MakeIt My advice: Don’t lose $1 million
MakeIt Step one, have millions to loose.
MakeIt VOTE TRUMP!!! That's good advice!!!
MakeIt I bet you cheated on taxes and have your company headquarter on Cayman Islands. But 🤫🤫🤫 . My mouth is sealed. I won't tell anyone.
MakeIt No. But thanks tho. Your advice is prolly full of BS.
MakeIt thanks
MakeIt Profiteering during a pandemic?
MakeIt Of course you’ll be taxed down to 2mil if Biden wins
MakeIt CNN Turk correspondent cried during the live broadcast: “I touched the lifeless body of the baby taken out from under the rubble, my blood froze, it was terrible”. StopArmenianTerrorism OpenYourEyes PrayForGanja