After decades spent extracting fossil fuels from the UK’s North Sea, a consortium of oil companies is preparing to pump Britain’s greenhouse gas emissions back beneath the seabed to help meet the government’s climate ambitions.
'Carbon capture' of bio-CO₂ (from burning wood, fermentation etc.) that is used to make synthetic hydrocarbons is OK but the alleged 'storage' of CO₂ (under the North Sea etc.) is ALWAYS LEAKY so every CCS-LEAK op like BP's is a green-washing scam that should be BANNED! 🤨
BP should be be subject to climate crisis tax not given government assistance with expensive, potentially disastrous, huge, engineering projects which will likely have marginal effect All the tools for a zero carbon future already available
‘Member when BP was leading in oil spillage? Ohhhh I ‘member
Anyone else see the irony in BP making money cleaning up the carbon they put in the atmosphere for profit?
Deepwater horizon
Well, BP have always been a trustworthy company who hold the safety and future of the human race as its number one concern. Now I’m off to spend all my wages on lottery tickets to demonstrate my good judgment.
you know what would really capture some carbon? STOPPING DRILLING
I mean... Iran is now in a situation where they get to trade with the EU and *also* get to make nukes. There's no wonder they've been trying to get Trump re-elected.
Padma Express Train of Bangladesh Railway