, would prevent any progress in UK-US trade negotiations should Johnson continue to press it through parliament.
"The catastrophic consequences of the Internal Market Bill are continuing to be felt," said Heather Conley. Another major stumbling block in talks is the incredibly tight timeline to negotiate a trade deal from when Biden takes office on January 20. That means the UK's de-facto deadline for agreeing a trade deal is on April 1, according to Miranda Lutz, a senior associate at Global Counsel,Negotiations appear unlikely to proceed until President-elect Biden has appointed and confirmed a US Trade Representative , typically taking months. Robert Lighthizer, the current USTR, was not confirmed until May 2017, four months after Trump took office.
The best news to wake up to.
If he gambled with his own money only - who cares? But in this case he puts an entire country's fate on black or red and his likely to lose. That's irresponsible. The curtain is falling 😢