, likes to say, "Let things be easy." As a habitual over-thinker, this is a mantra I find worth sharing and repeating often. What are your long term and short term goals? This is important because as a small business owner, one of the perks of designing our days is that we can approach tasks in order of priority. What do you know about their specific challenges and what would motivate them into action? As a recovering perfectionist, this one is hard for me.
Follow people on social media that fit in the category of your ideal client to see what they're posting, the questions they're asking, and what's important to them. Offer something of value like a checklist or case study and have them subscribe to download it. This allows you to capture those leads then and continue to nurture them with regular email marketing, so that you can close the sale down the road. 4. Consider running ads using a lead magnet to get people to subscribe to your list.