A story stock is driven not by earnings or assets but by a simple, alluring narrative: a dynamic new boss, dazzling technology or customers going ga-ga for its products. A story ETF is an exchange-traded fund that invests not in an entire market or single sector but rather in a concept or trend.
You’re probably better off buying a story ETF than a story stock; at least the fund is somewhat diversified. But story ETFs carry their own risks. Often called thematic ETFs, these funds cut across industries, trying to capitalize on ideas like alternative energy, cloud computing or 3-D printing. Others buy stocks that could benefit as more people work from home, demand gender or racial diversity, or lavish money on their pets.
Assets in these funds have grown at an average of 45% annually over the past three years, says William Baun of Fuse Research Network in Needham, Mass.
jasonzweigwsj 이 세대는 예수님의 보혈이 마치 구원할 힘이 없는 것처럼 살고 있습니다. 회개하십시오. 모든 죄에서 돌이키십시오. 거룩하십시오. 메시아께서 오십니다.
jasonzweigwsj I don't gamble on my own any more, never knew when to get out. I leave that up to my 401 and IRA