The backyard rental market, a thriving, informal market in the townships and informal settlements, has the potential to become a catalyst for township economy revitalisation, if formalised. Rental housing is an important economic activity that contributes positively to the economic activity of townships and adds income streams to households.
The problem with the backyard rental market in the townships and informal settlements at present is that it has failed to eradicate shack dwelling and does not comply with building and emergency services safety requirements. This compromises living standards and places a burden on existing infrastructure , creating unnecessary service delivery backlogs. Also, the sector has operated outside legislation, with no dispute resolution channels in place, largely operating on verbal agreements.
This requires our municipalities to be at the forefront of mainstreaming the backyard rental market, with township proclamation and a title-deeds programme to give township dwellers security of tenure. It will also require our municipalities to evaluate and change municipal by-laws to ensure that they support and provide a healthy environment for the township rental market to flourish.
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