Moreover, the content you produce for it can also be repurposed widely across other channels to drive more traffic back to your site and further cement your reputation as a thought leader.
While there are as many ways to approach the launch of a company blog as there are companies, anyone who is planning to start one should be aware of the most important aspects of highlighting a brand for the blogosphere. Below, members of share 16 key pieces of advice that they would give a client who’s launching a blog to ensure that both the reader and the brand are well-served by its content.
Members of Forbes Agency Council share some important aspects of highlighting your business' brand for the blogosphere.If you’re looking to build a corporate blog, make sure to build a strategy around your final goal. Is it mass traffic or is it quality traffic? This will determine the keyword research and article topics for your blog. Write articles that will be highly valuable to your audience and can be a reference point for other articles on the topic.