Coal mining in the Hunter Valley is set to decline, possibly rapidly, in coming decades, according to the NSW Treasury, market analysis and one of the region’s biggest miners.
“Upper Hunter communities, and indeed the rest of our state, can be confident that the NSW government has a plan for the future of coal in NSW and has clearly articulated that plan to communities and stakeholders,” he said.Properties around Camberwell in the Upper Hunter electorate of NSW are surrounded by coal mines.The Treasurer said coal royalties were worth about $2 billion for the state a year and the industry supported more than 22,000 direct and 89,000 indirect jobs.
MACH Energy’s chart indicates Hunter Valley mine production would peak at about 260 million tonnes a year in 2024-25 and then drop steadily to cease by 2049.
MarieColemanAO p_hannam Inclined to think they are giving it longer than it actually has. And blithely ignore the real possibility of international export carbon adjustments laying an emissions burden on the seller, not only the buyer.
MarieColemanAO p_hannam Jesus, lets hope its faster than that...
p_hannam Coal Blockbuster Kodak Whale oil Etc
p_hannam This of course is a grimmer trajectory for climate change as it doesnt reduce emissions fast enough by 2030 & also is a very grim approach for jobs in the region right now. Much grimmer for everyone continuing with Coal, especially in that region nswpol
p_hannam Plan. What plan? Is that the Josh Lyman variety?
p_hannam Coal is dead Only the National party is paid well to try to keep it a live
p_hannam Meanwhile Arctic sea ice grew over 25% last year compared to previous year😂
p_hannam What geniuses. Who are we paying to make such amazing predictions?