"Let's take a look at the bathroom," Mary Fran said in the opening of her first video in the series."Would you like to take a pee or a poop? Don't worry — you'll barely fit."Moving from the toilet to the shower, Mary Fran also showed her reality of simply trying to use the hotel's towel to dry off. However, as she demonstrates,"It won't fit.
Though it's hard not to laugh along with her sister, who is ~wheezing~ behind the camera, Mary Fran told BuzzFeed:"I cope through humor...I was making light of a situation that is a very real stress for fat, plus-size people...my sister and I could only laugh at how absurd it was."
i hope all the people saying that she should lose weight, slam their fingers in doors 🥰 conditions exist that prevent people from losing weight from physical disabilities that wont allow exercise, to metabolisms that just dont work properly. if you dont know her, shut up
if you’re too fat to sit on a toilet, that sounds like more of a “you” problem than anything else lmao
Zero empathy for this. None.
I understand your frustrations! Hope your posts are noticed by the people who have the ability to address these issues! It's the same with wheel chairs! Hello by the way!
Didn’t you do this tweet yesterday… anyways. It wouldn’t hurt her one bit to eat healthier and get some exercise in.
Really? -_- Like when is it okay to place blame on the individual and not on the society that supposed cater to their whims?
Do we need to make all door frames taller to suit taller people or do they deal with it?
Hahaha nah
The people in these comments are rude and crude.
Yesterday I had to use the bathroom on a flight and nearly got stuck it was so narrow. I have no idea how someone larger than me would even fit in the bathroom
Folks! Obesity is a disease. It needs TIME, right treatment, and persistence to heal. It's complex and not as simple as 'just exercise or eat healthier'. If you don't know what they've been thru just stfu! Just treat them like any other people with special condition.
She shouldn’t be going on vacation
The comments here, unfortunately, are absolute garbage! People are unable to take their noses out of their own butts to at least try to understand what others go through. Look around. We are diverse. Different. In color, in shape, in likes and dislikes.
Or… hear me out… eat healthier and exercise