BBC Studios Teams With 'The Inbetweeners' Star; ViacomCBS First-Look AGC Deal; Channel 4's 'Deceit' Rounds Out Cast
ITV Studios was one of the first producers to detail the damage, revealing in March that its EBITA dropped 43% to £152M in 2020.producer Fremantle was also thwacked by the virus — its EBITA stood at €87M in the full year 2020, down 39% on €142M in 2019.BBC Studios’ commercial return to the license fee-funded BBC was £137M in 2020/21, which was down 50% of the previous 12 months. BBC Studios said that it remains on course to deliver commercial returns of £1.
“Thanks to a quicker than expected recovery in the global media industry, particularly advertising, along with some careful cost controls, we are in a very strong position to deliver on significant commercial ambition and meet the new target of £1.5bn set by the BBC over the five years from 21/22.”