Mamora gave the assurance at the inauguration of Oligo-Synthesis Laboratory donated by MTN Foundation to the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research , Lagos.
“We are specifically aware of the large number of corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by MTN in various locations in the voluntary. “As the Minister of State for Health whose mandate includes supervision of NIMR, I urge you all to support projects like this to promote equity, promptness and better access to healthcare for all Nigerians,” he said.“We know that the vaccine does not give absolute prevention; we need to appreciate that even after your vaccination, you still have to comply with the interventions.“Use of face mask should be compulsory. Remember that it is not chin mask or pocket mask.
Prof. Babatunde Salako, the Director-General of the institute, in a remark, stated that the institute was facing challenges in procuring and importing molecular biology, especially oligonucleotide perimeterand probes, in the effort to contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. “These advancements will help to continue the ground- breaking research that Nigeria needs to make our population healthier, cleaner and safer,” Salako said.
How about make healthcare cover the whole country.