Set in 1940s war-torn Marseille, the show tells the story of young American Varian Fry who was dispatched to France by Eleanor Roosevelt to save a selected list of artists, scientists and opposing politicians from Nazi concentration camps. When Fry realizes there is no legal way of getting these endangered refugees out of France, he builds his own underground railroad of spies, thieves, forgers and adventurers to bring more than 2200 people to safety.
Before history will call them the Greatest Generation and before the shores of Normandy were stormed by American soldiers, it was men and women like Varian Fry and his group of unsung heroes, who were true humanitarian trailblazers.”“Ever since I moved to Los Angeles from Germany in 1992, I was fascinated by the German and European expat community and began researching their various fates and destinies,” added Gundula Leni Ohngemach.