Dubbed as the Global Opportunity Payout Fund, the new product will invest primarily in a mix of foreign currency-denominated, income-generating, and capital-appreciating financial assets, allowing clients to expand their investment portfolios and take advantage of the global market opportunities, Sun Life said.
“This new Fund is suitable for clients with medium to long-term wealth accumulation goals such as preparing for retirement. They can stay financially secured with insurance and enjoy potential capital appreciation of their funds over time,” Sun Life chief marketing officer Gilbert Simpao said. “The Fund aims to provide regular cash payouts to our clients which will be given as long as the assets in the fund are able to support it.”
The Global Opportunity Payout Fund can be availed for the following Sun Life investment-linked insurance products: Sun MaxiLink Dollar One, Sun FlexiDollar1, and Sun FlexiDollar, the company said. “The Global Opportunity Payout Fund is a perfect complement to our existing roster of fund options for our investment-linked insurance products since it aims to provide an annual stream of cash flows and offers global diversification for clients,” Sun Life of Canada , Inc. Investments Head Ivan Corcuera added.
SunLife would dabble into forex yet its current fund managers can't achieve consistent returns in the PH local market