Texas law that bars abortion
after about six weeks of pregnancy, a move that follows weeks of debate inside companies about how to respond. Employers including ride-sharing service Lyft Inc., cloud-storage company Box Inc., online fashion retailer Stitch Fix Inc. and investment group Trillium Asset Management LLC signed a statement set to be released Tuesday that says “restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health, independence, and economic stability of our workers and customers.”
karolcummins So Starbucks and Microsoft want incarcerated pedophiles, robbers, rapists to be able to sue? Or someone who wants the $ for a new car? Or to pay for an abortion in another state? GovAbbott put the Constitution up for auction to bounty hunters. Starbucks & Microsoft approves.
While Shambhavi Anand knowingly broke 🇮🇳abortion law(20wks)TWICE (6 & 7mnths-A Criminal Offense)aborted 7mnths alive girl child then fled 2🇨🇦 BrockUniversity GoodmanSchool 2 be 'Future Business Leader' business India Politics cdnpoli Elxn44
Starbucks- I don’t care how good your lattes are- you just lost my business! And I’m going to tell all of my friends and coworkers so everyone knows!
Can we get them to sign a statement that criticizes China?
People should pay attention to this!
For abortion rights, but it's good see businesses who specialise in coffee and computers not lecture the public on societal ideals...
Starbucks has accomplished what our kids couldn't after hounding us for over a decade to support small franchises and coffee shops. 'They created the market,' we noted, to justify our brand loyalty. No more. OverStarbucks
It is totally against the settled law of the land. It is also unfair to women and their rights. It is politically motivated. It is to incite the base. It does not help women who may be victim of unfortunate situation. It is unjust. It is insane. It is not RIGHT! It is wrong!