Sebastian CondreaOne took on a nurse without looking at their resume, a recruiter said.A veterinary surgery was so desperate for staff that it booked a nurse without looking at the person's resume, according to a recruiter - a move indicative of a huge"I've been recruiting in the industry for 12 years now and it's never been tougher," Justin Powlesland, director of JHP recruitment, which specializes in recruitment for the veterinary industry in the US and UK, told Insider.
Veterinary medicine has long faced retention challenges as a result of intense hours and the emotional toll of the work.
It goes without saying that WE Need 2 say THANK YOU 2 ALL of Our Health Workers who have Lead the way on Covid-We Appreciate ALL U have done 4 US through the pandemic-We Trust U-We Believe U-We Listen 2 U-Thank U 4 ur LOVE. PatriciaDeLima Christiano radioluzseattle wjhnews1
WARNING ⚠️ FEMA has multi millions of plastic caskets prepared years ago so you will forget about them remember. Prepared for the clean up/bodies. COVID-19 is the mark of the beast. Has graphene oxide which is nano tech : bots that will shut u down- kill you.