Especially if they're European Jews escaping Hitler.
Also - zero surprises that a higher number of immigrants start businesses, when we issue 'business visas' to any immigrant whose failed every other immigration visa criteria except having enough money to buy a 711 Franchise.
Not all migrants are the same. 90% of those Nobel prize winning immigrants were of Ashkenazi Jewish decent 0% of those winners were from Africa.
Not if they're muslims
It’s thanks to migrants that we have the innovation we have. Hardship is the mother of invention, and they share it with the community.
what percentage would that be... ? and what percentage would be users of the system? which one is higher...?
So far, the vast majority of refugees can be located around Centerlink offices in Australia
If people are willing to enter a country illegally, are they more likely to do other illegal activities too?
U only have to look at Aus immigration Greek shop ,,Vietnam Fruit Veg Restaurant s ,,, ect of Asian European Restaurant s all great businesses
sobrave truth
Migrants are immigrants, they come legally, they ask, they are accepted. They dont invade. SBS, twisters of reality
SBS : Super bullshit statements.
Maybe your university journalist training enables you to confuse people by calling people who cross broader illegally as migrants.
Liberal biased news
It should be compulsory that all white females get inseminated by immigrants = more nobel prizes!
Harder working than Aussies, that's for sure.
Lol. The nobel prize list is literally overflowing with Sudanese: said no report ever
Apart from Jewish migrants, how many win Nobel prizes?
Now please cite the data on immigrants and crime. I mean if you are going to publish facts about immigrants, let's hear it all.
Migrants are just like you but better
More likely to be criminals too .
pretty sure the migrants who do that are not the ones pictured
Of course they are!
Stop this they and us nonsense, they are failed locals successful locals. They are failed migrants and successful migrants. Stop this patronising garbage, we are not blind, SBS
If you'd said 'illegal immigrants' 'refugees' or 'economic migrants' are more likely to start a business or win a nobel prize... your article might have had some internal consistency. Deportations of people who've entered the US illegally costs the US 400Mill per year
More leftard academics twisting statistics to align with their own pro migrant political sentiments.