I’ve been with my boyfriend for 10 years and we now co-own a home together in Tennessee.
If things go well, my current company of five years could IPO and make me a multi-millionaire. If we were to break up, does he have any right to those funds?A cohabitation agreement is smart, especially if you own a home together. It is a contract — a de facto prenuptial agreement for unmarried couples.
“Tennessee does not recognize common-law marriage, but cohabitation agreements are enforceable there. ” Like a marriage contract or a prenup, a cohabitation agreement shows you trust each other enough to sign on the dotted line. But they only go so far. The longer you are together, the more your lives become entwined and enmeshed your finances become, bigger questions about investing in your future as a couple will come to the fore. I commend you in taking this one step — and one contract — at a time.