“It was surprising to see how... substantial improvement happens within less than three months. It was also surprising to find out that even 20 years after web application firewalls were made available by the open source
, security teams still fail at operating it properly,” Klein observed. The application is usually used to provide protection against generic types of cyberattacks.The report found that, “Risks to the technology industry increased dramatically in 2021 from 2020 with a rise in spear phishing attacks attempting to gain a foothold. The weakest link however remained web application firewalls and phishing awareness. [The] critical infrastructure sector’s most problematic area is data exfiltration, i.
“Every industry today depends on IT for business success and this is driven by digital innovation through applications,” said"Attackers, however, have become very adept at taking advantage of existing gaps left by the rush towards productivity and adapting progress[ive] information architectures. And when organizations fail to put metrics in place for their security programs, these gaps remain open and can lead to devastating consequences from immediate threats and data theft,” he noted.
“Security teams are drowning in data, systems, alerts, and business demands and feel overwhelmed and understaffed. Yet, once equipped with a tool that draws a baseline, they can discuss with the business leaders and prioritize, they know exactly what to do next—with their current resources— and make progress quickly,” he counseled.