“Lets clarify and simplify the lease terms within the market so we are capping increases, also streamlining leases across the board. Lets open up the market and remove restrictions so we can bring in innovative programs to support out vendors.”
If the proposals pass it would, hold rents at their 2020 levels and cap annual rent increases to no more than a 3% increase in future years, allow vendors to enter leases for up to three years with one, three-year option to renew and charge prepared food vendors the same rate as traditional vendors like butchers, meat vendors and vegetable stands.
“Whether you’re in the inside or outside part, there’s nothing that tells you, ‘Hey guys, there’s more market this way or more market that way, right?’ It’s a $20 sign for God’s sake.”
No mention of the parking situation. When the city redid the parking lot, it made trying to go there much worse.