"Some people are actually down on their luck, but most of these people are young, healthy males or females that could totally be working," Mark Holligan said Friday.
Holligan has reached out to the city, Councilmember Jolon Clark and the Denver Police Department, but the problem persists. "We want to make sure that people have a safe, stable place to be that they can count on, that they have access to clean food and water, and that they have access to a place to get cleaned up, wash their hands and have a shower," said Angie Nelson, the department's deputy director of Housing Stability and Homelessness Resolution.
The earliest a safe parking site could possibly open is June. Business owners like Holligan are open to whatever solves the problem.
PattrikPerez Just another day in Colo-fornia…
PattrikPerez Y’all voted for this shit ! Lol keep voting Democratic!
PattrikPerez GovofCO loves to stick his head in the sand when it comes to CO’s big problems. He should not be re-elected
PattrikPerez City of Denver seems incapable of protecting its streets and neighborhoods. Come back to Union Station where open meth market as bad as ever despite all MayorHancock DenverPolice promises to fix it.