"GPS signals are getting jammed left and right right now in Ukraine, so being able to rely on laser [guidance technology] is absolutely critical."The first-of-its-kind drone not only has night vision equipment, but also can break through glass and use two-way audio – the only drone in the world with these combined capabilities.
"You start thinking about an urban combat-type situation, Ukrainian troops being able to know if there's a Russian in the building; that is incredibly valuable, right?" Resnick explained. "Locating Russian tanks, also searching collapsed structures, which now, unfortunately, litter Ukraine's landscape."
Ukraine’s military completed 15 hours of training and were donated 10 LEMUR drones, priced at approximately $15,000 each. "This is what we'd be searching with in an abandoned building or helping Ukrainians find Russian assets," Resnick said as he showed off the drone on set. The drone can assist in a variety of emergency situations including search and rescue, hostage, active shooter, hazmat, police and fire.
The same drones that will find you when you don’t comply in giving away your rights.