closures, a measure that was extended three times and was aggressively backed by the NDIA and other military industry trade groups. Its entire premise rests on the idea that the weapons industry is so vital to national wellbeing that it must be provided its own, separate lifeboats.
Low goes on to argue that NATO needs to extend its military presence and that the supposedly dilapidated state of the defense industrial base makes this expansion difficult. It would be difficult and time-consuming to try and surge much-needed personnel into the Baltic region should it prove necessary," he adds.
The NDIA has long argued vigorously for broad investments in the U.S. military industry, but Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine gave the organization a new opportunity to demand even greater investments. Low's argument is a sleight of hand: Not only is he insisting that the United States should pay the U.S.
This demand is being put forward despite the fact that the military industry has been showered with public investments far beyond pandemic-specific bailouts. President Joe Biden is requesting $billion for the Pentagon and military-related programs for the coming fiscal year, an amount that has a
Big Oil funds the war. Defense contractors provide killing tools. Supposedly governments can regulate both to prevent their greed for more profits from war profit sharing and and prolonging the war, but are governments trying to regulate them?
This company's be stopped selling weapons around world for profit making world unsafefor human beings