What s people of colour?
Before People were told “coloured” was not an acceptable way to describe Black People. Logically a human who has green/blue eyes red hair & looks like a gammon is more a “person of color” than person with black hair brown eyes dark skin?
The cosmetics industry relies on animal cruelty, pollutes the environment and undermines and exploits women by making excessive profits off promoting vanity, insecurity and distorted body images! …But why can't it do all those things for black people too tho
Surely you can use same facial washes & cleansers & moisturisers - products are for specific skin problems rather than skin colour. Making an issue here out of something that isnt one
They dont ignore people of color.They have many formulas of whitening cream!
The first African-American millionaires made their fortunes making & selling beauty products for black women.
questionasaheadline somuchguardian
What’s stopping people of colour producing their own product?
Because skincare industry is not a fuckin' public service and does what it wants ?
Like I care. Life goes on. GraceJones well say it I'm a....
Because the profit is where white rich lady is at
Because they hate making a profit that's why!