Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, left, and Conservative MP and natural resources critic Greg McLean. Wilkinson recently said that given Canada's 'significant deposits of every mineral needed to manufacture [electric vehicle] batteries,' the country is in a position to be an 'integral player in the transition.'The story link will be added automatically.The federal government’s recent $3.
According to the Conservative MP, Canada will not be able to meet its climate and national security goals if the federal government fails to take “serious action” to reduce approval periods and work with allies to develop an adequate supply chain for value-added, high-technology products.In launching the Critical Minerals Strategy, the federal government made a number of proposals within the 2022 budget, including providing $1.
“The economic opportunities of processing critical minerals to support our own [zero-emission vehicle] mandate, are currently set to benefit China and other countries with more processing infrastructure in place,” said Billedeau. “While we have these minerals in the ground, we need to sustainably develop and process these resources here at home to fully realize the benefits of net-zero and critical minerals.
“It really is a start-to-finish strategy with some significant dollars attached to it,” said Gratton, adding that it’s been extremely well-received by the industry, “even some of the ones that are more skeptical of this government.” “In our calls globally for people that would love to invest in our resource and our company, it’s really turned some heads,” he said.
The world’s geopolitical balance is shifting rapidly as a result of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, with Russia potentially shifting into a close alliance with China to sustain its economy and security, said Burton, who recently gave evidence to the House Industry and Technology Committee, alongside others who have expertise in the mining sector.