You may want to wait until the stock market turns up again before expending energy on trying to pick individual companies.
To illustrate how correlations vary with the market cycle, consider the bear-market bottom in March 2020, at the end of the waterfall decline that accompanied the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. The S&P 500 Index SPX, +2.39% hit its low on March 23 of that year, and most individual stocks did as well.
We don’t know when a new bull market will begin, needless to say. As this is written, the S&P 500 is 18.1% below its early-January high, just shy of the 20% loss threshold that’s usually considered a bear market. The market could very well continue to decline, perhaps significantly, and so long as the trend is down, it’s a good bet that the stocks you pick will march to the beat of a similar drummer.
To do so, I started with a list of stocks that are currently recommended for purchase by at least two of the top-performing newsletters monitored by my performance-auditing firm. I then sorted them according to their betas — a statistical measurement of the degree to which a stock historically has moved up or down with the market as a whole.
Don’t hold your breath! It’s down forever!
“but it’s not too early to start building your buy list when it rallys again,” Of course it’s going to rally again as there is no where else to go.
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We do know. When the Fed starts easing again. How hard is it to follow Rule Number One: Don't fight the Fed?
But I like playing everything is red.
*rallies 🤔