These companies will sell the care homes on after a period of time taking profits out of the group so there is no long term planning. Working in them is just awful as you can not make effective change as no resources and all driven by profit.
CareQualityComm are well aware HA’s with Care contracts & sector parent SureserveGroup aren’t acknowledging disability to suit selves & as RSHEngland found conspiring to ‘unjustifiably & unnecesarily’threaten tenants with eviction so measure,regulate & safeguard for everyone
Heavy_Load Profiting from the vulnerable whilst neglecting to provide the care they are paid for, and in some cases abusing those in their care. Immoral, despicable, and vile 😡
I don't think this will come as a surprise awakeonasleepin awakeonasleepin abstraktnature
I don't think this will come as a surprise awakeonasleepin abstraktnature
Let’s hear it one more time for capitalism, yay !