A natural supplements company has been accused of cruelly exploiting a family’s grief over a fatal car accident to shamelessly plug its alleged hangover cure. This week, Good Things Guy website founder Brent Lindeque tweeted his condolences to the family on the loss of his nephew in a car accident. Sob-Alert, the company plugging the hangover cure, responded that its product “prevents alcohol harm and hangovers and reduces violence”.
This week, Good Things Guy website founder Brent Lindeque tweeted his condolences to the family on the loss of his nephew in a car accident. Sob-Alert, the company plugging the hangover cure, responded that its product “prevents alcohol harm and hangovers and reduces violence”.responded angrily and so did many of his thousands of followers, including those who promised to report Sob-Alert to Twitter. Those who objected, however, were quickly blocked from following it on Twitter.
“In addition, whoever is behind this account has been making cruel, insensitive and utterly inappropriate comments on the posts of people like Brent Lindeque. It crosses a line in multiple respects,” she said.