This company that is capping someone's pay at 40 hours, shorting them of three hours and seven minutes worth of work.And this restaurant that tried to pay someone two hours less because they're new to the job.This company that gets real shady if you decide to quit in a manner that they don't approve of.This HR person who is trying to get all up in an employee's business on their way out.
This kitchen that had a staff walkout leading to a hostile, threatening email from the person in charge.This company asking people who want a holiday off to pay managers $50 AN HOUR to cover their shift.This company that would've let an employee die before they'd call an ambulance and risk getting in trouble with the owner.This big company's weird, degrading offer to put an employee in"jail" to raise money for a cause instead of just donating themselves.
All the pictures are from Reddit, might as well just read them from there. :)
9 does not belong on this list :/ it looks like a fundraiser promo for an auction or something