“While employees still look at pay as the most compelling reason to stay or leave a company, health and retirement benefits have become a much more significant factor in their decision-making process,” said“In this tight labor market, organizations that understand the importance that employees place on these core benefits and that provide highly valued benefit programs can differentiate themselves in their effort to become an employer of choice,” she observed.
The breaks often take place outside, which is linked to increased creativity and generating more ideas."After two years of remote work, employers returning to an in-office culture are looking for ways to make it a more positive experience for employees," said"Pet-friendly programs can not only offer employers a competitive edge, they can also provide many health and wellness benefits for both people and pets.
Implement employee listening strategies to gather insights to understand the perceptions and needs of employees and develop strategies to retain highly valued and at-risk talent Boost employee communication to promote the employee value proposition.; deliver personalized communication to demonstrate the value of your benefits packageThree out of four full-time employees are planning to quit their job this year.
79% of employed job seekers believe that they can make more money by switching jobs than staying put in the current market.
But not all employers care about this.
look at my boobs😘