... [+]Angela Atamian was between meetings in the office on Tuesday when she spotted a co-worker scrolling on their phone. Atamian, a human resources executive, joked, “Happy Amazon Prime Day!”
While millions of Americans find themselves in jobs where they can’t spare a moment to shop online while on the clock, many millions can. Forget historic inflation and rising borrowing costs.
“The ability to play every once in a while should be totally fine,” says Jan Lehman, an executive coach and founder of consultancy. “Our days are always blended, and sometimes the pendulum swings more toward personal things versus business and vice versa.” There’s a limit, of course, on how much time a worker can take away from work weighing the pros and cons of a particular pair of shoes or comparing lawn furniture and still be a fruitful worker at a healthy company. Lehman warns that more than that half hour on Amazon might begin to sap an employee’s output. Disengaged employees cost the global economy $7.
, which uses automation and AI to boost company productivity. “There are so many different things, whether it’s Prime Day or different beeps, buzzes and notifications from our phone, that are potentially distracting team members.”
LMFAO! Only In The Woke Joke of Whiner!