, and Vodafone, it outlines a number of actions that need to be taken to combat these scams. And the results seem to be overwhelmingly positive. fraud texts, never allowing them to reach potential victims. Another has identified and disabled 60,000 SIM cards that were used for scam texts. A third reduced fraud texts by 97% and managed to cut smishing attempts from other networks.
Customers reporting potential scams to the 7726 text service have also been greatly helpful in the initiative. Currently, stats show that user reports have also dropped by 90% — from 500,000 last year, to 50,000 this year, keeping in line with the numbers reported by the carriers. The amount of scam attempts that actually get through are expected to drop further as more carriers implement the latest firewall solutions and a series of SIM security checks in the near future.Get the most important news, reviews and deals in mobile tech delivered straight to your inbox