Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority is determined to address the mismatch between the skills in demand and the skills being developed within theThis misalignment, according to Chieta’s CEO Yershen Pillay, has resulted in a huge skills gap across the board. He said the issue needs a greater engagement by all relevant participants, ranging from the government, the private sector, and training institutions, in order to positively impact on SA’s high level of unemployment.
These above skills incorporate agility, governance, innovation, leadership, performance management, R&D leadership, numerical, packaging, problem solving, programming, project management, communication, negotiating, and marketing. Pillay said: “The more our wider skills development shifts from traditional to digital skills training, the more likely it will be to see an increased absorption of trainees and artisans by industry.”
The first Smart Skills Centre will open in Saldanha Bay, Western Cape, this year and is aimed at providing access to basic digital skills in 4IR-related occupations to local communities. Chieta is investing a further R50m in Smart Skills Centres across the country by 2025.