Cities and towns would not be able to prohibit the opening of these centers. The initiative would also decriminalize the use, possession, and gifting of plant-based hallucinogenic drugs.
Clinical studies may show that these plant-based mind-altering substances can play a role in medicine. Certainly, other plant-based medicines, such as opium-based pain killers have great utility. Nevertheless, legalizing, institutionalizing, and normalizing more drug use and drug abuse, as we have learned from our experience with marijuana, has negative consequences. These substances are already available on the down low to people who seek them.
yeah! how dare anyone infringe on pharmaceutical companies’ turf. 😑
JUST the medical and pharmaceutical companies 🤷🏼♀️ They don’t like competition
wE dOnT nEeD aNoThEr InDuStRy GeTtInG rIcH oFf Of gEtTiNg OtHeRs HiGh
Why not? Big pharma making billions off of people addicted to opioids.
In the words of Ben Franklin: 'Mind your business.' I'm going to vote YES on Initiative 61.
So instead we’ll arrest them and throw them in jail
Terrible take. Definitely medical uses for people I know personally. Regardless, live and let live. Shall we take away your vices and/or make them criminal? It's 2022, people. Enough pushing your way of life and others. Enough!
High? There are medical uses for Psilocybin