Workloads aren’t the only business activities migrating to the cloud. While some
, database management system deployments and innovations are increasingly cloud-first or cloud-only. has components residing in both on-premises and cloud environments . It comprises both active data management occurring between the two environments, and “on-demand” interactions in which data usually moves intermittently between the which the applications remain logically separated but reside in two or more clouds.
Data and analytics leaders must balance the risks and benefits in managing data across diverse and distributed deployment environments. For example, almost all cloud providers today charge data transfer fees for data flowing out of their cloud, but not for data flowing into it, so an application architecture that requires significant amounts of data movement from the cloud or between clouds may be financially suboptimal.
Quick question - is there a point to lift and shift ? If you are going to expend effort surely one would look to improve the underlying processes and how people work ?