First Person
Those boys at Morgan Stanley may have had financial spreadsheets to die for but who are you going to give your commission to – some charmless automaton or that cheeky little fella who gets you so brutally wired you find yourself dad dancing on your chair to “Brown Sugar”?returns to our screens this week, professing to be an accurate description of the debauched lives of London bankers, chock full of grotesque cliches and absurd stereotypes.
Just as things were about to get frisky the women received an urgent phone call and departed in a hurry, but not before they had relieved the lads of their Rolexes and wallets. The next day, both those hedgies bought exact replicas so as to not have to explain their unusual loss to their poor wives back home.
The most despicable example of this theatrical abomination that I ever witnessed was a “Champagne off” between two competing tables of rival bankers that occurred at Boujis This appalling mating ritual, arguably more unsubtle and less sophisticated than those witnessed in The Rift Valley 70,000 years ago, started with one table ordering a modest Jeroboam and then the competing table buying a larger one.
cityboylondon Why are you spreading FAKE news getting people's hopes up that there getting the second cost of living payment by the 1 st Oct you should be ashamed.
📺 BBC’s Industry returns to the screens this week, claiming to be an accurate description of the debauched lives of London bankers, full of grotesque clichés and stereotypes. Former London banker Geraint Anderson writes they are all completely true ⤵️