MariaBartiromo This administration has us seeing higher inflation that we've faced in 40 years because of the stupidity of trade and lack of independence in using our own oil
MariaBartiromo Sweetie, you have no credibility
MariaBartiromo Amen. Shevis so spot on. She has called it from rhe beginning with this administration. Keep up the great work Maria.
MariaBartiromo Zero credibility Maria
MariaBartiromo It's misunderstood who are killers, As others disagree to work with U.S for these very reasons. Trump was about to go in and regime change meaning alot of killing to Venezuela, so let's be clear as to what are killers ?
MariaBartiromo I have another question. Did the President sign a bill aiming to change us to Digital Curancy?
MariaBartiromo Republicans October surprise! They have to get autocratic countries to help them win, but what the hell, they’re used to that.
MariaBartiromo Oh, did we conveniently forget about the Bush family ties to Saudi Arabia?