600 mil is nothing compared to the damages bug pharma have caused. But I am glad nonetheless
these judges are terrible
Follow the money on this one, why else would a judge do something so stupid with so many white people dying? Black people have been dying for decades and nobody cared.
Even the dems in New York can’t touch the almighty drug companies. Actually enjoyed the drug companies winning that battle.
Judge after verdict...
Help the normal people that don’t do the dumb drugs .why people take this stuff is just crazy ... I’d rather have s beer 🍺 and watch a football game.
good! screw nyc and their taxes!
Ban the drug for anyone except cancer patients, that is what it was supposed for.
How can a law stop people from getting high? Does the law fund pain management clinics and rehab centers? Does it FORCE people who are addicted to attend the centers? The ACLU hates people being forced into treatment...