Now, before any of my fellow Tesla owners get all wound up here, let’s remember this is Europe, swamped with German-built cars, and even though Tesla builds its Model Y in Berlin now, it remains a fact that high build quality is a proud tradition among the legacy brands.
If scale and profits will determine who will win and who will lose the EV game, are you not obliged to laser focus on innovation as a manufacturer? Does? I’m curious, would you rather have your favorite brand compete head on in terms of scale, or on quality? I love good build quality, and even the Škodas not built in Germany I’ve tried seem rock solid compared to, which is not at all bad, but granted, it’s no German premium.
Oh, and just to be crystal clear here: I believe that in order to maximize margins, and thus maximize pricing power , manufacturers should aim for
Loads of better options in the European market. Better built, better value, better service, better companies to work for, and better leadership. Europe bought Tesla cars because there were few options.. that is no longer the case. Tesla sales are tanking in Europe and China.
Yes, Everywhere. Everywhere. There are so many more options today.