Meet Rachel Smith-Evans, a 41-year-old mum of three teenagers - Dylan, 19, and twins Sonny and Grace, aged 15. Rachel was working as a teaching assistant but always enjoyed upcycling furniture in her spare time.
"The more colourful the projects became the happier they made me; it really helped me deal with my grief. Playing around with colours became my therapy." How did she do turn her hobby into a business? Rachel said: "At first, I started a little Instagram page, just for myself really, and to see if people would like my quirky creations. I didn't tell any friends or family about it.
Instagram "My ombre rainbow chairs are my best-seller, along with my new luxury rainbow thrones. I hire the rainbow thrones for parties, corporate and influencer events. My clients include Tyson and Paris Fury, Boohoo and Hair Choice Extensions. They are also popular with event companies and beauty salons. They are the ultimate selfie chair."
Instagram "Pianos are one of my favourite things to paint, I usually have at least two surprise pianos commissioned in the run up to Christmas. What an incentive to keep up with those lessons - a personalised piano?