That's more than double the highest total purchase value for a single shopper in 2021.
Online shopping boomed on Black Friday, with South African consumers spending more than before and massive single-basket purchases dwarfing the biggest sales recorded in 2021.according to online payment platform PayFast The 2022 record holder spent nearly R400,000 on just two purchases, with the biggest of those baskets – totalling R284,625 – bought sometime between 03:00 and 04:00 on Friday morning. This single purchase is. The second-highest amount spent by an online shopper during this year's Black Friday was R176,030, which is also slightly higher than 2021's biggest spend.
Online shoppers were the most active between 08:00 and 11:00 on Black Friday, with PayFast tracking a gradual drop-off in the afternoon before a scurry for last-minute deals at 20:00.
BISouthAfrica Lol Tenderprenuers or those who have stolen some of that R51bn fruitless expenditure as reported by tge AG.... I dont see WMC or old money falling for this day of discounts...
BISouthAfrica Sounds more like prepping to me!
BISouthAfrica What tender did they win?