Despite sales increasing a mere 0.02%, rotating chairman Eric Xu struck an upbeat tone in the company's annual New Year's letter, where he revealed the figure.
Xu's letter did not mention Huawei's profitability. The company typically discloses its full annual results in the following year's first quarter. Revenue for 2022 still remained well below the company's record of $122 billion in 2019. At the time the company was at its peak as the top Android smartphone vendor globally.
Fake news!!!!!!!!!!!
You’d need your head looking at if you buy Huawei. Open door for the Chinese government to listen into your calls.
Boycot Huawei! And anything made in China for as much as possible.
Huawei = WhoAreWe = Chinese spy agency
Did they expect Xu to say he’s afraid the sanctions will hurt the company?
Let’s totally cut off trade with all communist covidcrimeagainsthumanity JoeBidenPervertimusMaximus WeWantStargate nopervertsaroundchildren