Instead Trump and the GOP gave a no string tax cut that the companies used to better their bottom line. Companies did what was good for them, not American workers. Stock buy backs and dividend pass through of increased earnings. Giving a short term, not a long term fiscal bang.
What Trump and GOP should have done was tied the Tax cuts to bringing NET jobs BACK from over seas. For every job brought back they get a full tax break equal to the job. Also for all for research, development & retooling. The net jobs have to remain for 3 years and are tax free.
Oh but the top will stick make there $$$... Meanwhile the middle class are watching there 401K's go in the $hitter
here is a tip. get rid of your auto/computer trading and gee things will do better. anyone consider your program(s) may be flawed or hacked into!
Why would anyone invest in a third world sh***ole like the USA? There are dozens of perfectly good states who's leaders are capable of spelling and don't abandon reason for outdated, vilified nationalism.Thanks GOP! MAGA But go ahead and defend trump , keep it up.
Investors are always worried- when they aren’t it’s time to run for the hills
Duh! That one time sugar rush for corporations that added a Trillion dollars a year to our deficit did nothing to permanently grow GDP. It was a passive pass through of money to Richest Americans. Unsustainable. Trump you have no business acumen. NONE!
Just in time for them to take fake losses on projected earnings like the insurance companies did and Obama paid them the difference. What a scam!
'An earnings recession isn’t a sure thing...' . So, let's panic. 😶
realDonaldTrump and his policies are ruining the great economy Obama handed him. A trillion dollar deficit to boot as well. your Grand kids' grand kids will be paying for this mess that rewarded the 1%
Invest in Tesla.
Akşama kadarr iyi haber akşam olunca endişeler artıyor ya siz ne sahtekar insanlarsınız
When the house is under the democrats all good business should be frightened. The socialist are always looking for ways to steal money from the hard working Americans. Stand up against this just like our POTUS & we will be fine.